It is has been raining all day and very cold! I don't think I packed enough layers for the weather, but I am still enjoying myself! I have been staying busy these past few days, but am finally starting to get into somewhat of a routine.
Sunday was my first worship service in Montevideo. The Lutheran church is not well-known here. The attendance at this church averages about twenty, but Sunday was low because it was raining outside and most people walk to church. It was interesting to have a small crowd, because after reading the scriptures, we had a discussion about the passage and everyone participated. I basically listened. It takes me a while to decide what I want to say and how to say it and by the time I am ready to add my insight into a discussion, the topic has changed. After church, I went with Wilma and her family to Milton's house. Milton is the director of La Obra Ecumenica (the school where I volunteer). I met Milton's wife, Carla and their 2-year old son, Augustine. Carla is expecting another boy in January! We had an Uruguayan asado. An asado is a technique for cooking various meats on a grill. It was all delicious and the company was fabulous. After dinner, Wilma and her husband, Alvaró drove me around Montevideo and showed me La Rambla which is the path that runs along the coast. It is gorgeous!
Monday was my "free day." I slept in. It is exhausting hearing and speaking a foreign language all day every day. I did go for a long walk/run to La Rambla. While I was running, I tripped over a broken sidewalk while changing the song on my Ipod. Apparently there is a saying that wherever you fall, you have "bought" that land. So everyone told me I chose a good place to fall. It only cost me a few scrapes and bruises!
Tuesday I spent the day with Pastor Wilma at the church preparing a Bible study and doing various things. Pastor Wilma was preparing to leave to be with her mother in Argentina, because she had surgery (the surgery was today). So keep Wilma's mother and the whole family in your prayers! Since Wilma won't be at church this Sunday, I met with two other women to plan the service. I am supposed to pray and read a scripture! I am a little nervous about that! Tuesday evening, Wilma and her family and myself were invited to dinner by Marco and Teresa (an Italian couple that has been here for 2 months volunteering at La Obra and Marco has been preparing to write a thesis.) We went to an Italian restaurant and it was very nice.
Wednesday was my first full day at La Obra. Milton came and picked me up so I wouldn't have to take the bus the first day. I spent the morning at el Centro de Estudios where students can come and get tutored when they need extra help. I met Virginia and Claudio, who work in the Centro de Estudios. They are both very nice. While we talked and worked with the three students there we shared mate. MATE (mah-tay) is big here. It is a beverage prepared with dried leaves (kind of like tea, but not really). A special gourd and hot water thermos are needed for mate, and everyone here carries them around everywhere. to read more about it. We had lunch and then I met some kids who were amazed at my height and wanted to play basketball with me, so we shot around after lunch before the younger kids arrived. In the afternoon, I taught English (Wednesday is English day). We learned the alphabet in the first class and numbers in the second class. The kids are so much fun, and have LOTS of energy. Sometimes they forget that I do not understand when they talk fast or mumble, so it takes patience to have a conversation with me.
Today, I rode the bus to La Obra. I waited for a long time in the cold rain this morning for the bus. I arrived and had mate with Virginia and Claudio before the students came. Today, I worked on math with Carlos. For the most part, he understood me, and that was great! He likes attention, and would ask for approval from Virginia and Claudio, but he seemed to be okay with working with me. Since it rained all day, the kids played inside. Normally on Thursdays, they go outside for walks, but today they cut out pictures from magazines and wrote stories about them. It was fun to walk around and talk to them. I got to read a book on colors (in English) with some kids and they practiced their pronunciation. Aaaand that is about it. I have not quite figured out the easiest way to post pictures. I promise they are coming... some day!