Wednesday night we went to dinner at a local restaurant because we wanted to get steakk, since that is very famous in Argentina and pretty cheap! We found a cute restaurant and had a waitress help us choose the best food. Dinner ended up costing each of us about 30 Pesos or $10USD for a big meal. The waitress was very friendly and great for our first restaurant stop in Argentina. Thursday, we woke up and had breakfast with Kate. We have had croissants every day for breakfast. I hope to find boxes of cereal and skim milk when I get settled into Montevideo. After breakfast at ISADET, we did a Bible study and talked about our expectations and our fears for the year. By the time we finished this, it was time for lunch. David met us and we had steak again. Thursday was a very educational and emotional day for us. We met with one of the grandmothers of a child who "disappeared" during the Dirty War and discussed a bit of the history of it. It was very interesting. I won´t go into the History lesson here, but I welcome you to look it up. After meeting with Las Abuelas, we went to la Plaza de Mayo where las Madres were doing their weekly march to remember their children who were "disappeared" as well. The mothers were very emotional the day we met with them, because one of the military leaders who was a big part of the Dirty War was on trial that day. It was hard to look these mothers in the eye while thinking about what they went through with their children. Please follow the link below to read more.
Aaaand that brings us to today. It was our free day to see Buenos Aires. We went to see the cemetery where Eva Peron is buried. WOW! I have never seen such a cemetery! It was truly an amazing sight. It was so many mausoleums that we got lost... well, almost. It took us a long time to find Evita´s and we had to ask directions to find it. We walked around B A some more, then met with Bolivian imigrants and talked to them and hung out at a church here. It was cool to hear what they had to say and they shared some of their food and dance with us!
Well, that is it for now. Pictures will be up later!
Sounds like you're having a blast! Too bad you don't like beef (jk).
Being introduced to these cultures will impart many great memories which you will carry for ever. And just think of all the cool stories you'll be able to tell!
Praying for your continued health and safety.
Can't wait for the pictures.
Thanks for the wonderful info! You make it seem like we're right there with you! Sounds like you're meeting lots of great people, and I'm sure they feel the same about you!!!! Keep the blogs coming!!! As always, miss you & love you!!! Keeping you in thought and prayer constantly!!!
Hey Mary! So glad to see you're keeping this. I've never used a blog before, muchless read one! But I am making an exception just for you! It seems like you've had a very vast dinner menu so far :)... not sure how long I'd last there!
I still give you big kudos for what you are doing! It takes an amazing person to notice, hear and listen to a call like this one. All 9 of us (do the math:)) are praying for you and thinking about your constantly. Miss you tons! Have a blast :)
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