Friday, October 24, 2008

Overdue Update

It has been a busy 2 weeks since I last posted. I took my first trip out of Montevideo since arriving on September 1. A friend from the young adult group invited me to her parents' house in Colonia del Sacramento. It is a beautiful town across the river plate from Buenos Aires. It was a relaxing weekend and her parents were very gracious. We were blessed with beautiful weather.
We are busy at the church preparing for an Ecumenical worship service here next Friday. I am making a PowerPoint slideshow with pictures throughout Nuestro Salvador's existence in Montevideo.
At La Obra things are winding down for the year. The last day of school before summer vacation is December 19. It is still hard for me to grasp the concept of Christmas falling during summer. With a generous donation from a married Italian couple who volunteered during the summer, we are taking the kids on a field trip to La Rocha, where few or none of them have been before. I am not sure many have been outside of Montevideo. We are excited to take them on this adventure. We started playing Simon Says in English class and it was fun to see them learning the commands "stand up," "sit down," "clap your hands" and many more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going well! It's hard for me to imagine a warm Christmas! We now have our heater on, as the weather has changed to Fall! What a great thing to be able to expose the children to a new place for the first time! You're giving them a memory they will cherish forever! Keep up the wonderful work! LOVE YOU!!