Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We had our first retreat with the YAGM volunteers over Thanksgiving. We went to Colonia Valdense, which is a small town in the department of Colonia in Uruguay. We stayed at Centro Emmanuel which is an organic farm. There were five of us there: Me, Stephanie, Jake, Angela and Kate. This was a much needed retreat where we spoke almost only English and enjoyed each other's company and God's beautiful creation. It was the hottest Thanksgiving I have ever had, about 40C which is over 100ยบ F!!! It was unusually hot for this time of year in Uruguay and with no air conditioning, it drained my energy quickly. But we had a good time. We ate chicken in place of turkey, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

The three other volunteers came back to Montevideo with me for the weekend, and I got to show them my site and what I do here. It was neat to get to show them around. I hosted my first asado at the church for some of my friends from the young adult group, and it was a lot of fun! We stayed up until 3am singing and talking in the patio of the church.

I am now preparing for the end of the year at La Obra (because the school year ends right before Christmas), Christmas in Colonia with my friend, Analia and then a much anticipated visit from Laura, Anne, Megan and Josh right after Christmas.

I hope everyone is doing well! The holiday season is a time that we all think of our family and loved ones, and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a happy (but hot) Thanksgiving! I'm almost turkeyed-out here... my favorite leftover meal is a turkey, dressing, and cranberry salad sandwich.
Also glad to know you are serving in a "safe" area of the country! We received information from the India Children's Choir sponsors telling of Hindu mobs hunting down and attacking Christian pastors, teachers, and workers in one specific area of India (not Manipur where they were from).
Our prayers continue to be with you, Mary, as you set out to do God's work!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the chamber of commerce in Montevideo should put you the tourist board. Glad you are getting to see some family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving sharing with friends! Sorry there wasn't any turkey and that it was so hot, but you know how you hate the cold! FYI:It was 21 degrees for the Turkey Trot!! I think of you every time the temps drop! Samuel won a turkey at the drawing afterwards. He donated it to the church for the Christmas baskets. He's getting ready for finals at MC. He really loves it. He's follwing in his "sister" Mary's footsteps! We Love & Miss you!!!